Lights off. Heavy breathing. Soft sheets. Oh yeah, you know exactly what we’re talking about: floating sound meditation. Sound healing has been around since forever, but a class offered in the 305 is floating a new idea.

Ahhhh. Let the vibrations wash over you.

Jared Bistrong, Floating Sound Bath: “This floating sound meditation class is kind of an enhanced sound healing experience because participants are actually floating in these silk cocoons.”

So, yeah — this isn’t “Invasion of the Pod People” or “The Matrix.”


It’s more like a profound full-body massage without ever being touched.

Jared Bistrong: “The cocoon allows the vibrations from these instruments to come up, from the ground up, and go right through your body. It really creates kind of an out-of-body floating experience. It’s very helpful for stress.”

The one-hour session, hosted by Atmananda Yoga on South Beach, begins by getting your energy flowing with some light movements and even some laughing.

Then it’s time to get comfy in your silk cocoon, and let the age-old instruments do their work.

Jared Bistrong: “These particular vibrations of these instruments is a very primordial kind of vibration that has an impact on the body and puts it back to its normal balance.”

In other words…

Jared Bistrong: “It’s like pushing the reset button on your body. Anything that you’re carrying, any tension anywhere, is going to be gone at the end of the class.”

Once you’ve emerged like a caterpillar having just turned into a butterfly, the idea is that you should feel ready to spread your wings.

Metaphorically, of course.

Tamara Schwartz, guest: “I feel very relaxed and kind of blissed out. It’s sort of like meditating without really — you don’t have to try to not think. The sound just vibrates in your body, and it feels like it’s realigning you.”

The sessions are Wednesdays at 8 p.m. for $30.


Floating Sound Bath at Atmananda Yoga Miami
500 South Pointe Drive Suite 230
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(786) 864-0643

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