When Chris Van Vliet was a kid, he wanted to be a professional wrestler. And for fans like Chris, it doesn’t get any better than the Legends of Wrestling event at Miccosukee Resort and Gaming, where you can get up close and personal with some of the best in the biz.
We grew up watching them in the ring, and now the legends of wrestling are in South Florida, Saturday night, at the Miccosukee Resort and Gaming.
Jimmy Hart: "It’s going to be unbelievable!"
It’s a wrestling show with all of your favorite stars from the 80s, 90s and today. It also includes a meet-and-greet that gives fans unprecedented access.
Brian Knobbs: "We spend time with you. We spend time with the people that got us here, the fans, and that’s what the Legends of Wrestling is all about."
It’s a who’s who of the wrestling biz. You’ll see Bill Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle and WWE Hall of Famers like Kevin Nash, "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, who took a very hands-on approach to our interview.
Greg Valentine: "I could throw chops or stuff like that."
Chris Van Vliet: "I’ll try one. Can we do it?"
Greg Valentine: "OK, sure."
Chris Van Vliet: "Ow! Nothing fake about that!"
Greg Valentine: "Should have warned you."
Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake was famous for cutting his opponents’ hair after a win, and he decided that I needed a trim, too.
Chris Van Vliet: "Oh, this is — oh, no!"
Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake: "Here it is. Did you get it?"
Chris Van Vliet: "That is a lot of hair!"
Brian Knobbs from the tag team The Nasty Boys used to have a move called "the pit stop" because, well, it’s pretty self-explanatory.
Then it was my turn.
Brian Knobbs: "I even didn’t take a shower today just for this. Ahh!"
Remember the Bushwhackers? They were unpredictable, both in and outside of the ring, and they still are.
Bushwhacker Luke: "Tomorrow we’re going to blow the roof off this building. How you feeling, mate? Oh, you’re looking bloody lovely, let me give you a good licking. [Licks Chris, who goes into a giggle fit.] Boy, he tastes like sardines. Woah!"
Tickets start at $35, and as you saw here, Chris was pretty excited. He was even more excited to be asked to be the guest ring announcer Saturday night. So if you’re going, Chris will see you there at Miccosukee Resort and Gaming!