It’s spooky season, and that means, time to cuddle up with your boo and watch a scary movie.
But, with the “Saw” franchise returning, expect more screams than snuggles.
Deco’s Alex Miranda is here with more.
I wanna play a game.
Maybe you have a feet, or a car, or public transit. Use it, to see “Saw X” in theaters this weekend.
If you do, you’ll live to see another episode of Deco Drive, and maybe, I’ll you snuggle you too.
Tobin Bell: “Hello, everyone. It’s time to play a game.”
Twisted serial killer John “Jigsaw” Kramer is back with a vengeance in “Saw 10.”
Tobin Bell: “Unlike many of us who look around us and complain about the world or some aspect of the world but do nothing, he does something.”
In the 10th installment of the horror flick, John travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure. Or so he thinks.
Determined to be no ones fool, Jigsaw rounds the team up for a game of his own.
Shawnee Smith: “His hope clouded his vision a little and the game was pretty, the racket was pretty compelling.”
Oh and by the way, actress Shawnee Smith makes her long awaited return to the franchise, and we have a certain group of people to thank for that.
Shawnee Smith: “The story is compelling and the fans are just like, the saw fans? Next level.”
Shawnee reprises he role as Amanda young, The emphatic apprentice to jigsaw who wants to make him proud by continuing his legacy.
Tobin Bell: “I think what John likes about her is that he’s been able to corral her and pull her in and get her to use her amazing strength and energy in a more focused way.”
Shawnee Smith: “Its super fun to be able to come all the way back to the beginning.”
Horror fans, can catch “Saw X” in theaters this Thursday.
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