(WSVN) – Experts are urging Facebook users to watch out for a hoax message that is making rounds on the social media site.

Some users are being duped into thinking that their accounts have been cloned due to a viral message that says the sender got a duplicate friend request from the recipient.

The message then tells the receiver to forward it to their friends, prompting everyone else who receives it to believe their accounts may have also been cloned.

One version of the message reads: “Hi… I actually got another friend request from you yesterday…which I ignored so you may want to check your account. Hold your finger on the message until the forward button appears…then hit forward and all the people you want to forward too…I had to do the people individually. Good Luck!”

“Your account isn’t sending duplicate friend requests, and you didn’t receive a request from the person you’re forwarding it to. You’re simply doing it because the message tells you to,” one expert said.

The hoax isn’t new; it first surfaced back in October. But the messages are once again making the rounds, prompting a new warning to disregard them.

Security experts urge people who get these messages to just delete them.

Instead of forwarding a message, a simple search on Facebook for your name will suffice. If you see a duplicate account using your name and photo, Facebook says you should report the account.

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