If smiling is your favorite, get ready for some festive news! One of the most beloved Christmas movies of all time, “Elf,” celebrated its 20th anniversary, and the joyous occasion is as infectious as Will Ferrell’s iconic enthusiasm.

“10 a.m. Santa’s coming to town.” Who could forget Buddy’s ecstatic exclamation, “SANNTAAA!!! Oh, my God. Santa here? I know him! I know him!”

Will Ferrell’s gleeful performance has turned “Elf” into a Christmas tradition cherished by millions over the past two decades.

Reflecting on the film’s enduring appeal, cast members share their astonishment at its cultural impact.

“You work equally hard on everything you ever do, and you never think something’s going to stick in the culture like this,” remarked Todd Komarnicki, the film’s producer.

To commemorate the 20th anniversary, the Empire State Building joined the celebration by spreading Christmas cheer. Special showings of the film offered fans a chance to relive the magic that has made “Elf” a timeless classic.

So, whether you’re a cotton-headed ninny-muggins or just someone looking for a festive pick-me-up, join in the celebration as “Elf” continues to bring smiles and holiday spirit for another 20 years and beyond.

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