The mutants hope to rule this weekend … but this isn’t your normal “mutant-on-mutant” violence. Chris “Magneto” Van Vliet is here with a look.
This is the ninth film in the “X-Men” franchise — which means it’s the ninth time an X-Man or the X-Men have faced eminent danger. This time though, it’s danger on a whole new scale.
Yeah, they better fight because the X-Men are facing their biggest challenge yet.
Meet Apocalypse, that’s his name … and as you can see, he’s bad news. He’s played by Oscar Isaac who you’ll recognize as Poe from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”
Oscar Isaac: “Apocalypse has a problem with the fact that the weak have taken over the Earth.”
Apocalypse wants to destroy Earth, but he can’t do it on his own.
He recruits four mutants to join him, including Psylocke played by X-Men newcomer Olivia Munn.
Olivia Munn: “She’s very lethal, she’s an amazing fighter, she’s got ninja assassin skills and she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty.”
Since he’s teamed up with other mutants, then the X-Men have no choice but to do the same.
Evan Peters: “Mutants alone are nothing, but mutants together form the X-Men. You can defeat the most powerful mutant in the history of X-Men.”
Michael Fassbender: “It’s really fun to see a whole new fresh group coming through. There have been certain scenes where we’re filming, and I get these flashbacks to ‘First Class,’ when we all got together five years ago.”
In terms of action and the sheer number of mutants here, this is by far the biggest “X-Men” movie.
James McAvoy: “The thing about X-Men that separates from other superhero movies is the emotional drive and the emotional content that is to be found in the relationships in the movie.”
And if you’re wondering, yes that clip there at the end does set things up for the next “X-Men” film, which is Wolverine’s third standalone movie — they are filming that one as we speak.
“X-Men: Apocalypse” is in theaters Friday.
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