If watching that messy but hot trailer makes you undoubtedly crave more “Emily in Paris,” you’re in luck! Lolita Dessert Club in North Miami Beach is aiming to satisfy your hunger with an Emily in Lolita contest.

They actually want to compare your selfie diva skills to the show … and get this, the winner is promised to have a sugar-coated good time.

Lily Collins (as Emily Cooper): “I really thought that I can move on from them, but they both mean so much to me for different reasons.”

The juicy and chic Season 4: Part Two of “Emily in Paris” is dropping next month.

In the meantime, local sweet spot Lolita Dessert Club is channeling your inner Emily with a 305 twist.

Becky Morel: “Lolita is a magical place where it’s basically every girl’s dream. You want to feel the enchanted ambiance when you come here. It’s a Euro vibe, where we’re tying in a little bit of the origins of the owners while still bringing in the Miami delicious flavors. We have macarons, which is obviously the main thing in Paris.”

Take a crack at their crepe brûlée, fancy croissants, chunky cookies or their variety of baked pastries.

Lily Collins (as Emily Cooper): ” Un pain au chocolat.”

Becky Morel: “Many things that you actually do see in ‘Emily in Paris,’ when she’s going into the bakery scene, for example, many of the things you see in that bakery we have in our bakery, so we’re very proud of that.”

Lily Collins (as Emily Cooper): “Oh, my God. Oh, my God [takes selfie].”

Be a selfie queen like they do in the show, and you can be a winner.

Becky Morel: “We’ve created the hashtag #EmilyinLolita. So what we’re doing is a giveaway, and we want all our customers to take a selfie anywhere they want around the bakery, inside or out. And those people are going to enter with a hashtag #EmilyinLolita, and the best selfie is going to win a tea party.”

Winning this dainty bash comes with some goodies.

Becky Morel: “Tea parties are offered in groups as small as two people up to six to eight, more or less. We also have quiches in our tea parties. We have bonbons which are meringue-filled. It’s like a fluffy marshmallow. Tea, which you can also upgrade to coffee.”

Sabrina Cavounis: “The thing I love the most about the place is that it’s so unique and that there’s so many delicious desserts.”

The Emily in Lolita contest closes Sept. 12. If you mention the word “Deco”, you get 10% off.

For more information on how to enter your best selfie, click here.

Lolita Dessert Club
17840 W Dixie Hwy
North Miami Beach, FL 33160

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