So if Barry Manilow isn’t quite your speed, you have options. Just call it the Golden Oldies. May we suggest a little Sammy Hagar? Lucky for you, the hard rocker is now in Sin City, kicking off his own residency and he says you’re going to be rocked.

Sammy Hagar’s hit 2024 summer tour, Best of all Worlds, is pulling into las Vegas.

Sammy Hagar: “The shows will be fresher a lot fresher and same sound and lights every night.”

The man they call the Red Rocker has signed on to do a nine-show residency at Dolby Live at Park MGM next spring.

It couldn’t have come at a better time.

Sammy Hagar: “I kept getting offers to go back out on tour this summer and I’m going ‘You know, I don’t know if i can do that again, you know, that was hard work all that touring. We played 33 cities.'”

Being able to play for his fans without having to hit the road is a dream come true for the veteran vocalist.

Sammy Hagar: “I don’t think I really want to travel that much ’cause it really is harder for me to perform and sing at my age, you know? I’m not a spring chicken here. So I thought ‘What’s the easiest thing i could do?’ And then we got this offer for Vegas, I said ‘I’m in.'”

Sammy’s smokin’ group includes guitar whiz, Joe Satriani, drummer for the stars, Kenny Aronoff and his old van Halen bandmate, Michael Anthony, on bass.
The foursome will make more than enough noise to fill the room.

Sammy Hagar: “This is only 5,000 seats so that’s gonna be unique in itself as in person there is no bad seat,. there’s no one way in the back with binoculars, we got big screens anyway. So that’s one of the things that i think is going to make it so special.”

It’s the music that people will remember.

Especially when they can sing along to classics like “I can’t drive 55”.

All the big hits will be coming your way.

Sammy Hagar: “We’re gonna play about 14 van Halen songs. We got to play Mas Tequila, you know? We got to play One Way to Rock. We got to play Heavy Metal.”

Sammy’s also got some surprises up his sleeve.

Sammy Hagar: “But the songs we’re trying to squeeze in this time are deeper tracks that we’ll replace every other night.”

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