Are you brave enough to face the things that freak you out the most? In “Fear,” a psychological horror film that opens this weekend, facing fears can be deadly. Deco sat down with some cast members who didn’t think talking to us was scary at all.
Ruby Modine (as Serena): “Let’s promise to be completely honest with one another. We tell each other our most personal fears.”
That decision doesn’t work out so well for a group of friends on a country getaway in “Fear.”
Character in “Fear”: “Believing what you fear will bring to the victim, what they are afraid of.”
Joseph Sikora stars as Rom, the guy who arranges the weekend with the best of intentions … before everything goes wrong.
He says he learned an important lesson while making this movie: fear is contagious.
Joseph Sikora: “You’re able to manipulate large amounts of people, groups of people, through fear, by fearmongering or putting that fear into people.”
As a matter of fact, everyone connected with the film felt a sense of fear while they were working.
Director Deon Taylor says it was pretty scary to shoot it during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Deon Taylor: “It had a heavy effect on us while we were filming, because we were in a place where we didn’t know what this was or how it was or how it affects you or if it jumps people. There were a lot of conspiracies out there, so yeah, it played a major part on what we wanted to do in the movie.”
T.I. plays Lou. He becomes a victim of the group’s paranoia when a supposed virus forces them to stay indoors.
Joseph Sikora (as Rom): “Everybody lost their minds over this virus.”
T.I. (as Lou): “You think i’m infected, huh? I’m not dumb, and Michael coming up here trying to figure me out.”
T.I. says just thinking about one of his big scenes is enough to give him shivers.
T.I.: “Closed the door and leave me in a room by myself, filmed me in a haunted room alone and laughed off-camera, you see what i’m saying? So I was already feeling it before it even got to the screen.”
For those of you who might be too frightened to check out “Fear,” T.I. has some advice.
T.I.: “Grow a pair.”
“Fear” opens in theaters on Friday.
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