It’s back to school time, and pumpkin spice lattes are coming back to Starbucks, which means fall is in the air! So before you start getting ready for the spooky season, how about taking a trip to Wynwood for this year’s Oktoberfest, where lederhosen are in style, and beer and pretzels will be flowing.
Micheal Priceman, in German: “I want to reinvent Oktoberfest. Someday it will entice people from the world over to come to Munich.”
Netflix’s “Oktoberfest: Beer and Blood” has nothing on Oktoberfest going down in Wynwood’s Marketplace.
Every year, thousands of people head to Germany for the giant beer festival, but now you don’t need to dust off your passport to enjoy the fun.
Micheal Priceman: “We took the concept from the event that happens in Germany every year and brought it over to Wynwood.”
Better get your lederhosen ready, because it’s three days of non-stop partying.
Micheal Priceman: “We’re going to have live music with Polka Bands, seasonal brews with Samuel Adams, we have authentic German food, great photo ops and games.”
You can play German games like steinhoisting.
Micheal Priceman: “Steinhoisting is when someone has to hold up a 16 oz. beer for as long as they possibly can.”
Sixteen ounces? I can hold that in my sleep.
You can’t forget about the food too!
Waitress: “OK, I have your German grub right here!”
Lisa Simpson: “Bart, does it strike you as odd that Ooder disappeared and suddenly they’re serving us this mysterious food called Ooderbroten?”
Don’t worry, “The Simpsons,” they won’t be serving up your friends for lunch, but you will be leaving stuffed!
Micheal Priceman: “To eat, there’ll be brotwurst, giant pretzels.”
I’ll take my pretzel with a side of mustard.
Your wallet will be happy about this. It’s free to attend, but if you want to really party, you gotta get a party pack!
Micheal Priceman: “For the Party Packs, you’ll get some Samuel Adams swag and a free beer. Wynwood’s Octoberfest is one giant party. We’re excited to have everyone here this September at Wynwood Marketplace. Don’t miss it!”
Wynwood’s Octoberfest kicks off Sept. 9.
For More Info:
Wynwood Marketplace
2250 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33127
For info on Wynwood’s Octoberfest, click here.
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