Grab your detective hats and magnifying glasses, because Sunday nights on Fox just got more animated, and it’s no mystery why.

Deco’s going undercover with the stars of the animated series “Grimsburg.”

Narrator: “In a deadly little town called Grimsburg.”

Jon Hamm (as Marvin Flute): “I’m the world’s most smartest detective. Drop the spoon, Mary Choppins.”

Narrator: “One man will return to crack the most gruesome cases.”

Detective Marvin Flute is on the case in Fox’s animated sitcom, “Grimsburg.”

Coroner: “Glad you’re back, Flute. This place has been dead without you.”

Jon Hamm voices the super sleuth.

Jon Hamm: “I have been a fan of animation on Sundays on Fox for a long, long time, so the opportunity to get a chance to play in that sandbox was really fun.”

The show definitely is not your average comedy. So says comedian Rachel Dratch, who voices Flute’s son, Stan.

Rachel Dratch: “Subversive, funny, definitely, you know, adult-ish, although I think my 13-year-old would like it, too. It’s that sort of ‘Simpsons’ brand of – this isn’t really your kid’s cartoon, and it’s got some sort of twisty humor to it, edgy humor.”

She is definitely having fun with the role.

Rachel Dratch: “I love doing voiceover, because in regular, whenever, theater or TV, you know, like, the way in who you are as a person physically determines in a way sometimes who you play. That’s why I love the sketch, too, because that kind of doesn’t matter in sketch, either, and same with voiceover.”

Rachel says voice roles give her more freedom to play around.

Rachel Dratch: “You can be a woman in her 50s and play a young boy, so I love that about voiceover and, I mean, there’s a long tradition, obviously, with, you know, Bart Simpson and beyond, of women playing young boys, so it’s just – it’s super fun to break out of your usual thing.”

Alan Tudyk (as Mr. Flesh): “So your pop’s moving into the basement, hmm?”

Rachel Dratch (as Stan Flute): “Together under one roof again. This is what we’ve been dreaming of.”

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