“The Masked Singer” has unmasked a new winner and a few runner-ups. It was a fun close to Season 10, in which a Grammy-winning artist emerged victorious.
Sixteen contestants wanted to take home the golden trophy.
Jenny McCarthy: “This is Billy Porter.”
Nicole Scherzinger: “I’ve spent too much time with this guy. This is my brother, this is my family. I believe this is Ne-Yo.”
Ken Jeong: “Cow is Usher.”
Robin Thicke: “I think that this is my boy Ne-Yo.”
But only one would walk away with the prize.
Nick Cannon: “The winner: Grammy Award-wining superstar entertainer Ne-Yo!”
Ne-Yo: “I had an absolute ball here, I really, really did. Kudos to the crew and the creatives behind the sets and the whole nine. I can only see it through the mouth of a cow — really, really hard to see.”
Ne-Yo picked the cow costume to throw the judges off.
Ne-Yo: “I know Robin personally, I know Nick personally.”
Nick Cannon: “Why you always hitting me, Cow?”
Ne-Yo: “And I know Nicole personally.”
Nicole Scherzinger: “You just command the stage.”
Ne-Yo: “They’re gonna figure out who I am, but they didn’t.”
Wait, what? Robin and Nicole did.
Ne-Yo: “As an artist, you’re kind of known for what you look like, so to take that away and still try to be cultivating and captivating on stage is a whole other challenge, so like, if you can pull off ‘The Masked Singer,’ you are truly an artist.”
Now that he’s won, the singer has a big decision to make: where will he put the trophy?
Ne-Yo: “My Grammys are with my mother, so I am gonna tell her to clear a space: Grammy, Grammy, ‘Masked Singer’ trophy, or the Grammys on the bottom and the ‘Masked Singer’ trophy on the top. I’ll figure it out, I’ll let you know when I figure it out.”
Ne-Yo (on ‘Masked Singer’): “We share this victory’ it’s me and Cow, ladies and gentlemen, me and Cow for life. I might get a Cow tattoo somewhere. I’m not going to do that.”
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