Shireen: When it comes to seeing the future, all I want to know is the day before a good shoe sale, you know, so I can get a jump on things. Lynn: Of course, but for me I want to know it all, so I went to celebrity psychic and SoFlo local Deborah Graham to find out what all the Deborah hype is about, and she goes deep and large.
She’s a psychic to stars like Jenny McCarthy.
Deborah Graham: “Having a psychic in your life is like having a therapist without having the therapist tell you what’s going on.”
But SoFlo’s own Deborah Graham is more than that. She’s also an energy healer.
Deborah Graham: “It’s like these antennas, as I like to call them, coming out of me, is able to read into one’s soul and be able to figure out exactly what is going on. It’s kind of like, I don’t look at you, I look in you and I become you.”
And if that wasn’t enough, she’s also a matchmaker. She’s got a reality TV show called guess what? “Psychic Matchmaker.”
Deborah Graham: “Most matchmakers go by what are you looking for in a relationship, what are you willing to give up, what are you willing to accept, what are you willing not to accept, what are you looking for in hair color and eyes. I’m Shallow Hal. I don’t look at you, I look in you.”
She’s got the credentials, but can she handle… me?
Lynn Martinez: “I’ve done a lot of things on Deco. I’ve jumped out of an airplane. I’ve flown with the Blue Angels. I’ve done some other really embarrassing things, but I’ve never had a reading– Ha, ha– on TV. So you are the bomb.”
Deborah Graham: “Well, we’re ready to go deep and large. Give me your hands, girl! You have come back into this earth in at least 26 past lives. That means you’re a very old soul, but you are the kind of person when you want something it’s gotta be done your way or no way.”
Uh…. isn’t that the only way?!
Deborah Graham: “The one thing I will tell you, you’re not meant to grow old and be alone. I see love. I see a relationship. I see a partner! Do you have a partner, my love?”
Lynn Martinez: “We do.”
Deborah Graham: “To be honest with you, you have your soulmate.”
Awwww! Love it when souls mate!
Deborah Graham: “90% of the world doesn’t get to meet their twin flame, soulmate.”
Lynn Martinez: “How could we fix that?”
Deborah Graham: “Well, you have to be ready and open. I had a client wait 40 freaking years!”
Deborah’s matchmaking skills are unique, and they’ve got nothin’ to do with how hot someone is.
Although… that’s a fair requirement.
Deborah Graham: “I don’t match you according to what you’re looking for. I energetically match you.”
And that’s the same formula for regular people and celebs.
Lynn Martinez: “So, as a psychic, do you think J-Lo and Ben are going to be married forever?”
Deborah Graham: “They’re twin flames. Absolutely, without a benefit of doubt, 100%!”
Ahhh, to be psychic!
Now, if she could only get us those dang lotto numbers.
To contact Deborah Graham, click here.
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