A few years ago, Bird Box had people all over the internet rocking blindfolds and trying to recreate scenes from the hit film.
Get ready for a repeat! On Netflix that is, Deco’s Alex Miranda, who’s flyer than any bird, is here.
A new Bird Box movie is coming to Netflix later this week and this time, the action and the horror are all going down in Europe!
Georgina Campbell (as Claire): “Stay close. Who’s there?”
The ‘Bird Box’ universe is going global, and we don’t mean on vacation.
Diego Calva (as Octavio): “What are you doing in Barcelona?
Georgina Campbell (as Claire): I found her, we’ve been traveling together. I’m trying to find her mother, What about you?”
The spin-off sequel, “Bird Box Barcelona,” moves the action from the US to Spain, where mysterious creatures continue to wreak havoc on anyone who looks at them.
Georgina Campbell (as Claire): “These things, take our fears, and twist them.”
Stars Georgina Campbell and Diego Calva love the idea of moving the movie abroad.
Georgina Campbell: “It’s such an interesting idea to go, ‘OK, let’s take this out of, say, America.’ I think it would be great if they can keep doing it and doing it in different countries and bringing, kind of, lots of different cultures into it.”
Diego Calva: “This is kind of genius because you can do another movie in every country, and everybody’s going to be, like, slightly different in the same universe but I’m hoping, ‘Bird Box Mexico’ for sure.”
Actor Mario Casas says switching locations also gave them the chance to incorporate other languages in the film.
Mario Casas: “Si Hablamos Castellano, I think it’s well very enjoyable in a film where we speak in Spanish, German and English. Georgina is there to speak English and well, you can get a dimension of how globalized things are, how we have a multicultural cast, and it tells you where we are as a society right, on TV shows and all. I enjoyed it so much, to work with three different languages.”
Bird Box was pretty scary but this film’s directors say the horror elements are just part of the story.
Àlex Pastor: “To make a successful, Bird Box movie beyond the blindfolds, what you need are compelling characters that you can relate to, and that you can, that you can empathize and suffer with. And, birds, and birds, you also need birds. “
But don’t worry, the chills and thrills are definitely still very much there.
Georgina Campbell: “When people are talking about horror as a genre and writing it, the longer you can put off seeing something, the better because your imagination is always gonna be way worse than what’s actually seen.”
You can catch Bird Box Barcelona on Netflix, Friday.
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