Apple TV Plus is adding a nine-part high-flying drama series into its programming mix. Produced by Stephen Spielberg and Tom Hanks, “Masters of the Air” is set during World War II.

The show follows an American bomber squadron, led by Austin Butler, and how they brought the fight right to Hitler’s door. Take a look.

James Murray (as Colonel Neil “Chick” Harding): “The eighth will be sending up the largest air armada ever assembled in the history of mankind.”

Austin Butler (as Maj. Gale “Buck” Cleven): “Straight into Hitler’s territory.”

“Masters of the Air” gives you a point of view of what the bomber boys of the American Eighth Air Force lived through.

Tom Hanks, executive producer: “It is not just based on truth, but we literally cherry-pick individual specific moments exactly as they are.”

And by “exactly,” Tom Hanks means it.

Tom Hanks: “I will say that our friends at Apple TV Plus understood how big this thing was.”

Being the first series produced by Apple Studios, it has the budget to back it up.

Tom Hanks: “I don’t want to say the floodgates are open, but they understand that it’s a juggernaut, and it takes a huge amount of people, it takes a lot of time.”

Austin Butler (as Maj. Gale “Buck” Cleven): “Don’t you die on me before I get over there.”

Austin Butler, who’s still rockin’ his Elvis-like cadence…

Austin Butler: “I just feel really privileged and honored to be a small part of this.”

Not so small. He plays Maj. Gale Cleven, and his leadership charisma give off an Oscar-worthy performance.

Austin Butler: “All the stories we’re telling are true stories, and so, there’s inherently a responsibility in that to want to do them justice and to make them proud.”

This was a long time coming.

Austin Butler: “We created such a bond, all of us. We had a long time. It was almost a year that we shot, and it lasted to this day. You know, that was two years ago that we finished.”

Calum Turner (as Maj. John “Bucky” Egan): “Lord, guard and guide the men who fly, through the great spaces of the sky.”

Calum Turner, who we know as Dua Lipa’s rumored boyfriend, plays Maj. John Egan.

Calum Turner: “This was, like, the most hostile war zone of all time. The technology was brand-new, and they were flying blind.”

For Calum, the story needed to be told.

Calum Turner: “Most people who were around at the time aren’t around anymore, so it’s important that we keep the memory of what happened alive, so we don’t repeat the same mistakes.”

Austin Butler (as Maj. Gale “Buck” Cleven): “We won’t go without a fight.”

“Masters of the Air” debuts on Apple TV Plus on Jan. 26.

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