Once upon a time, spray painting on a building was against the law. These days, it’s responsible for some of the coolest art around. In fact, starting Monday, you can check out the latest works of mega-talented street artists at a week-long celebration in Broward, and the best part? It’s free!

This is more than a street sign in downtown Fort Lauderdale. It’s the center of the third annual Avenue of the Arts Fest.

Maxence Doytier: “It’s a cultural event. You’ve got beautiful murals that are being painted by local and international artists.”

The painting party takes place in the thriving art district.

Maxence Doytier: “A new art district giving an opportunity to local artists with studio spaces and an opportunity to display their artwork.”

More often than not, those displays take place in the open air.

Maxence Doytier: “A lot of painted murals here in the neighborhood, beautifying the space and inviting conversation and community together.”

And the festival is more than murals. Everyone in the family has a chance to show off their artistic side.

Maxence Doytier: “We’ve also got chalk art that’s gonna be painted for friends and family. Free kids event.”

Here’s the thing. A mural that’s here today may be painted over tomorrow and become something totally different. The point of the festival is to enjoy what’s being created in the moment.

Maxence Doytier: “Murals are temporary art, and so, you have just that moment to appreciate the art. Come and support the artists and connect with them. Some of these murals from year one will be staying, some from year two we’ll be repainting, year one we’ll be repainting.”

Being a participant in the festival is an opportunity not to be missed.

Stefan Smith: “The offer to participate in AOTA festival, to me, was monumental. As an artist here in Broward County, I believe it’s kinda hard to find opportunities.”

Now, a mural can mean a lot of different things. It can catch your eye with color or represent the area it’s in.

Stefan Smith: “My approach to mural making is to, first of all, survey the community, and I see what I think should go there, and I believe that mural art that we adorn in communities should be reflective of the people in those communities.”

The artists appreciate the immediacy that the festival gives to their work — and hope you’ll take advantage of it, too.

Stefan Smith: “You’re always constantly creating, so whatever it is you may create today may not be there tomorrow, so if you have the opportunity to come see it, or walk by or drive by, stop, take a second and really honor that.”

Avenue of the Arts Visual Arts Festival
Jan 21-28 2025
Sistrunk Neighborhood — Thrive Art District

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