Do you know who loves the water? Chris — but he’s not swimming in it. He’s biking on it! He’s here with the sweet ride.
Last week for Keeping Up with Chris, I went mountain biking, and we all saw how that turned out. (If you didn’t, look it up. I crashed.) This week, I’m biking SoFlo style: on the water.
Chris Van Vliet: “So this looks like an exercise bike with some pontoons on the side. Is that about right?”
Matt Brown, Blue Ocean Water Bikes: “Yes, absolutely. It’s kind of in between a paddleboard and a kayak.”
Chris Van Vliet: “Very important question here. How sturdy are these things once we’re out on the water?”
Matt Brown: “Very sturdy. You won’t flip over, of course. You don’t want to go in 10-foot-high tides.”
And it’s a heck of a workout, because the pedals are connected to a propeller.
Matt Brown: “Just like a regular bicycle, you’re able to just pedal right along and steer, no experience necessary.”
Chris Van Vliet: “Oh, this is rock solid.”
Matt Brown: “Pedal slow as you come out.”
Chris Van Vliet: “That’s it, I’m doing it. It’s so easy.”
Chris Van Vliet: “Yes, I noticed there’s no brakes.”
Matt Brown: “Yeah, you just pedal backwards.
Chris Van Vliet: Just pedal backwards. Let’s rock and roll!”
Water bike rentals are $35 an hour and are only available on weekends right now.
Chris Van Vliet: “I was totally prepared to fall in, but I actually think it’s impossible to fall in on this thing. Impossible! I don’t know what happened there.”
Chris Van Vliet: “If you did this on a bike (flails arms around), you’re gonna fall off. Do this on a water bike, we’re fine.”
Chris Van Vliet: “This is awesome!”
Matt Brown: “What do you say we race?”
Chris Van Vliet: “Hold on. Winner gets the water bike.” (laughs)
Matt Brown: “We’ll think about that.”
Chris Van Vliet: “On your mark, get set, go!”
Chris Van Vliet: “Oh, we got some speed! Yeah! Yeahhhh! Wooo!” (laughs)
Chris Van Vliet: “This was great. Thank you, Matt!”
Matt Brown: “No, thank you.”
That might have been one of the most surprising adventures we’ve been on. I thought that would be so much harder than it was.
All right, I want you to tell me what to do next, and let’s make it extreme! Email me at .
And even though I won that race — by a lot, I might add — I left without the water bike. Apparently both parties need to agree on it for to be a legit bet.
Blue Ocean Water Bikes
(305) 763-2680
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