History. On the one hand, it’s got some good moments — like that time Shireen and Lynn discovered wine purses — but if you go far back enough, it’s all bad, especially after you watch “Judas and the Black Messiah,” the new historical drama starring LaKeith Stanfield and Daniel Kaluuya.

It’s the true story of betrayal.

Jesse Plemons (as Roy Mitchell): “Five years for impersonating a federal officer, or you can go home.”

In “Judas and the Black Messiah,” career criminal William O’Neal is offered a plea deal by the FBI to gather intel on Fred Hampton, the chairman of the Black Panther Party in the late 1960s.

Daniel Kaluuya (as Fred Hampton): “You can murder a freedom fighter, but you can’t murder freedom!”

Oscar-nominated Daniel Kaluuya plays the chairman, who was shot and killed by Chicago Police, with William’s help, at the age of 21.

Alex Miranda: “Many people should know this story, but a lot of people don’t know this story. What would you wish that people did know about this man?”

Daniel Kaluuya: “He was on the FBI watch list since 14 years old, you know? Like, as a kid, consistently stalked by the police, under surveillance, sacrificing himself for the betterment of the people.”

LaKeith Stanfield told me there isn’t much out there about the informant, but he did know this going in.

LaKeith Stanfield: “He was an obvious thrill seeker and troublemaker, and someone who might get you in a lot of trouble, and he also was a person who was caught in a cog, in a wheel that was much bigger than him.”

You might remember these two starred together in the critical and commercial smash hit “Get Out.”

Daniel Kaluuya (as Chris Washington): “Good to see another brother around here.”

LaKeith Stanfield (as Andre Logan King): “Hi.”

But it doesn’t sound like “Judas” will be their last time sharing the big screen.

LaKeith Stanfield: “We keep getting attracted to each other. I love Daniel. He’s a really great artist and dope human being.”

Daniel Kaluuya: “It’s great to have someone that’s on the same path as you, that you can speak about – you can have really unique experiences with.”

For the British actor, it’s one more powerful performance about race in America.

Daniel Kaluuya: “I just feel really blessed to be in this position. It feels bigger than me. It just feels like, for whatever reason, I’m in alignment.”

“Judas and the Black Messiah” opens in theaters and becomes available to stream on HBO Max on Friday.

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