Who doesn’t love a good happy hour? They’re a fun way to unwind after a long day. But it’s not just for people anymore. Deco found a spot that’s hosting a tail-wagging good time.
When it comes to burgers, B Square Burgers in Fort Lauderdale knows what’s up.
But once a month, this SoFlo hotspot is happy to serve up a whole lotta puppy love.
Erika Cares, B Square Burgers: “Happy Hour shouldn’t just be for humans anymore. We wanted to do a place where people could bring their dogs and hang out and have their dogs have a really good time with each other.”
Every pup is sure to feel like a top dog here. The restaurant has a special play area where your furry bestie can make some new friends.
Aaron Besch, customer/dog owner: “She gets excited every time we pull in the parking lot. She knows exactly where we are. She feels right at home here.”
And when it comes to food…
Erika Cares: “You can get chopped sirloin, turkey, chicken, and then you can add rice to it or bacon. It is human food. We make it on the same grills and everything.”
Sounds delicious, but these fancy feasts are only for the canine customers.
And if you’ve got a doggy with a big appetite, you can’t wrong with the Lucy.”
Erika Cares: “Our team mascot, Lucy the Doberman, she has a dish named after her which is filet tips and brown rice. And it’s super popular, and the dogs love it.”
Lucy the Doberman: “Mmm, mmm, mmm. I could eat this all day. Waiter, another!”
You’ve heard what Lucy thinks. Let’s hear from the others.
Canine customer 1: “Woof, woof!”
We’re pretty sure that means, “More! More!” in dog language.
What about you, sir?
Canine customer 2: “I love it! I love everything. Wait! That’s not food!”
Sorry, buddy. We’re gonna need that back.
But don’t worry. When it’s time for dessert, hit the Bones and Cones food truck for some dog-friendly ice cream.
Courtney Walter, Bones and Cones: “It is healthy for dogs. It’s basically just frozen fruit that I turn into soft serve, so it’s nondairy. They get very excited. They get their little wiggle butt going on, and then as soon as it’s served, it’s like devoured.”
Canine customer 1: “More! More! I already said that. But I mean it!”
The next doggie happy hour is set for Monday.
B Square Burgers
1021 E Las Olas Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
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