There’s getting sea sick, and then there’s the movie “Adrift.” Sea sickness is nothing compared to what Shailene Woodley is going through in a performance that could be strong enough to get some Oscar buzz.
Deco flew to Los Angeles to talk to Shailene and her co-star about the new film.
Sam Claflin (as Richard): “I love you. Get below!”
Shailene Woodley (as Tami): “Oh my god!”
Shailene Woodley and Sam Claflin are lost at sea in the heart-wrenching, yet inspiring, “Adrift.”
They star as real life couple Tami Oldham and Richard Sharp, who got caught in a hurricane while sailing across the Pacific in the ’80s.
Shailene Woodley (as Tami): “That’s like a 1,500 mile search area.”
Sam Claflin (as Richard): “A needle in a blue haystack.”
Shailene was the pick from day one to portray Tami. She says it’s because she goes way back with the movie’s screenwriters.
Shailene Woodley: “I’d spent a lot of time with them either on the mainland or in Hawaii doing various things, from hiking to talking about surfing to talking about sailing. I think I honestly just got very lucky.”
Oh, Shailene, so humble and Sam knows it.
Sam Claflin: “Also the fact that she’s a really good actress and has the capabilities of going to the places that Tami needs to go.”
While Tami is badly hurt in the storm, Richard is severely injured.
Sam Claflin (as Richard): “My ribs are broken, my legs are shattered. I’m dead weight.”
Meaning Sam isn’t moving around a whole lot in the film.
Sam Claflin: “Just laying on the back of a boat and watching Shailene do all the hard, heavy-lifting and swimming. I got jealous.”
Shailene Woodley: “And I got jealous that you got to lay there all day.”
It wasn’t just literal heavy-lifting that Shailene had on her plate.
She told us it was the emotional scenes that were actually more challenging.
Shailene Woodley: “To find the energy to do those takes over and over and over again just required a lot.”
While the stars kept their emotions as realistic as possible, actually shooting on the water helped the movie feel very real.
Shailene Woodley (as Tami): “Wooo!”
Sam Claflin: “I remember us getting very, very close to the other boat. And there was such a sense of, ‘Oh my god’!”
Shailene Woodley: “That was the scariest day, I would say.”
Sam Claflin: “Well you were at the helm. I was at the front of the boat just kind of enjoying it.”
Shailene Woodley: “But that’s why it’s the scariest for me, because I could have killed you.”
“Adrift” will be out in theaters this Friday.
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