NEW YORK (AP) — One of the stars of the live broadcast of the musical “Rent” on Fox was injured during a rehearsal Saturday, forcing the producers to use pre-recorded material Sunday night.

Brennin Hunt, who plays the role of rocker Roger Davis, broke his right foot. The show used Saturday night’s pre-taped show, only switching to live for the finale.

Hunt competed in “The X-Factor” and appeared in “Nashville.” He is playing the part in “Rent” originated by Adam Pascal.

The high-energy rock musical by Jonathan Larson celebrates survival among the artists and homeless of New York’s East Village. It contains the memorable songs “Seasons of Love” and “Another Day.”

The cast also includes Broadway veteran Brandon Victor Dixon, recording artists Tinashe and Mario, and Vanessa Hudgens of “High School Musical.”

In a statement, the playwright’s sister, Julie Larson, said the “new cast has embodied the spirit of the show from day one and they embraced Brennin with positive and uplifting love in his moment of need.”

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